Dempsey's. Dark and Salty.

Oh so not good at all.  The Buzzed Assassin and I had just come from a delicious, light and very fresh brunch at Prune (see reviews here and here) and were wandering the East Village in pursuit of just a bit more day drinking.  Nothing was really tickling my fancy but Dempsey’s was close and comfortingly warm on a brisk winter day.  I briefly debated whether another bloody mary was in order, but then thought wisely.  Of course it was. On second thought, maybe it wasn’t.

Dark and salty.  Just how I like my men.  But not how I like my bloodys.  Horseradish, Campbell’s tomato and what tasted like half a bottle of Worcestershire.  I can’t even tell you whether the lime helped at all, but at least I had some celery to crunch on between each saliferous sip.  I even went so far as to order a 7UP chaser.  No, this was not good at all.  My salt filled palate screamed stop.

1 Celery Stalk

 Dempsey's 61 2nd Avenue, New York, New York 10003.  P: (212) 388-0662.

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